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  • Layout made by Erin at Endoskin.
  • Banner by LBM

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About Life is a Box of Music

Life is a Box of Music, or in short, LBM, is a blog where five friends have come together to post anything related to music. This includes topics like genres, favourite artists, music news, and even fun covers of popular songs like Kpop, Jpop, R&B etc.

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Welcome to LBM

Friday, 13 July 2012 (2 comments)

Dear all,

Firstly, a very warm welcome to Life is a Box of Music. We are very pleased to announce our very own blog launch. This blog is managed by five of us and was inspired by the japanese mini Danboard, a carboard box robot. Hence the name Box of Music. LBM will chronicle the musical adventures of five mini Danboards as they go on their quest to seek out the best and latest music news, album releases, reviews, articles and information.

Besides the launch of LBM@blogspot, we have also launched our respective web pages. Hover your cursor directly over the banner right at the top and visit our Facebook fan page or our tumblr site! Also keep yourself updated with our twitter feed!

Here's Danboard signing off while strumming the strings of a guitar. Do look forward to future updates!

Published by Lizhen


Blogger Unknown said on 13 July 2012 at 16:22  

Awesome!! Introduced to this site by a friend of mine, will definitely follow u guys on facebook.

Blogger Julian said on 13 July 2012 at 21:02  

Really nice! Hope to see more!!!

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