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Life is a Box of Music, or in short, LBM, is a blog where five friends have come together to post anything related to music. This includes topics like genres, favourite artists, music news, and even fun covers of popular songs like Kpop, Jpop, R&B etc.

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Nobuo Uematsu

Saturday, 21 July 2012 (1 comments)

(Week 14)
Hey, what's up guys! In this post, i will talking about the famous music composer, Nobuo Uematsu.
For those who have no idea who Nobuo Uematsu is, he is a music composer, most famous for his composition for the game series "Final Fantasy".

Nobuo Uematsu was also part of the instrumental rock band "The Black Mages" that mainly play Nobue Uematsu's composition for the Final Fantasy series that are rearranged into more of a rock style. The Black Mages is one of my favorite band, even though it got disbanded on 2010 as their music is really amazing. I really recommend you guys to listen to their music

Even though The Black Mages is disbanded, Nobuo Uematsu has not retired from the music scene and is now part of the band "Earthbounds papa".

The video below is the live performance of The Black Mages with an orchestra, performing the One-Winged Angel.

This is all for this post. Please post your feed backs, comments or even request of what you all want to see me post in this blog! Thank you for viewing this post!

Published by Jian Yu


Anonymous Darcy said on 24 July 2012 at 14:36  

Nobue Uematsu is awesome!! Definitely one of the best composer of all times!

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